Create homogenous road segments based on road characteristics (3 of 3)

If you followed the previous two posts (here and here), you should now have your road network and events all digitised and synced to each other. This post will provide the main Postgres function (split_roads()) that loops through each event and splits the network, finally generating a new table, containing the network split at the points where any of the event values change.

Before that, you will need to create three helper functions. The first one (truncate_if_exists()) will truncate the temporary tables required while running the main function so we can run the function multiple times in case something goes wrong:

--DROP FUNCTION truncate_if_exists
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION events.truncate_if_exists(_table text, _schema text DEFAULT NULL)
  RETURNS void
  LANGUAGE plpgsql AS
-- Truncates a table if exists and is not empty
-- From:
   _qual_tbl text := concat_ws('.', quote_ident(_schema), quote_ident(_table));
   _row_found bool;
   IF to_regclass(_qual_tbl) IS NOT NULL THEN   -- table exists
      EXECUTE 'SELECT EXISTS (SELECT FROM ' || _qual_tbl || ')'
      INTO _row_found;
        IF _row_found THEN                        -- table is not EMPTY
            EXECUTE 'TRUNCATE ' || _qual_tbl;
            RAISE NOTICE 'Table truncated: %. Reset sequence',  _qual_tbl;
            EXECUTE 'ALTER SEQUENCE ' || _qual_tbl || '_id_seq RESTART WITH 1';
        ELSE  -- optional!
            RAISE NOTICE  'Table exists but is empty:  %',  _qual_tbl;
        END IF;
    ELSE  -- optional!
      --RAISE EXCEPTION 'here %',_qual_tbl ;
        RAISE NOTICE  'Table not found: %',  _qual_tbl;
    END IF;

Then, create the create_temp_tab() function to create the temporary network tables:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION events.create_temp_tab(pi_tmp_roads_tab varchar)
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
-- Creates the temp tables used in split. Called from events.split_roads function

     EXECUTE format ('SELECT events.truncate_if_exists($1, ''public'')')
     USING pi_tmp_roads_tab;
     -- Create the temp route table with the same structure as
     -- the od_proskathg table plus an additional field [from_route_id]
     -- which will hold the original road_id value
                            id bigserial NOT NULL,
                            slope15     Boolean,
                            width      integer,
                            ortho50  Boolean,
                            geom public.geometry(multilinestringm, 2100) NULL,
                            CONSTRAINT pk_' || pi_tmp_roads_tab || ' PRIMARY KEY (id)
                        )', pi_tmp_roads_tab);

Then the 3rd helper function that does the insert in the temp tables:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insert_split_segments(pi_is_first boolean, pi_roads_tab character varying, pi_event_name character varying, pi_attr_val character varying, pi_seg_id bigint, pi_route_table character varying, pi_segment geometry, pi_seg_id_src bigint)
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
-- Inserts the new road record into the temp table
  v_attr_datatype   varchar;
  col_rec           record;
  v_sql             TEXT:='';
  v_sql_col         TEXT:='';
  v_sql_val         TEXT:='';
  tmp_roads_seq     TEXT;
  new_id            bigint;
    tmp_roads_seq:= pi_roads_tab || '_id_seq';
    -- Before inserting into the temp table we need to find the data type of
    -- the attribute so we do the required casting if needed.
    EXECUTE  'select data_type from information_schema.columns
              where table_name = ''' || pi_roads_tab ||
              ''' and column_name =''' || pi_event_name ||''''
    INTO v_attr_datatype;
    --RAISE NOTICE 'v_attr_datatype: %', v_attr_datatype;
    IF pi_is_first THEN
        -- This is the first round of splits so we need to take the attribute from the event table
        IF v_attr_datatype = 'boolean' THEN 
            RAISE NOTICE 'inside';
            EXECUTE format ('INSERT INTO %I (%I, from_route_id, from_route_id_src, geom) 
                             VALUES (CAST($1 AS BOOLEAN), $2, $3, ST_Multi($4))', 
                    pi_roads_tab, pi_event_name)
            USING pi_attr_val, pi_seg_id, pi_seg_id_src, pi_segment;
        ELSIF v_attr_datatype = 'integer' THEN 
            EXECUTE format ('INSERT INTO %I (%I, from_route_id, from_route_id_src, geom) 
                             VALUES (CAST($1 AS INTEGER), $2, $3, ST_Multi($4))', 
                    pi_roads_tab, pi_event_name)
            USING pi_attr_val, pi_seg_id, pi_seg_id_src, pi_segment;
            EXECUTE format ('INSERT INTO %I (%I, from_route_id, from_route_id_src, geom) 
                            VALUES ($1, $2, $3, ST_Multi($4))', 
                    pi_roads_tab, pi_event_name)
            USING pi_attr_val, pi_seg_id, pi_seg_id_src, pi_segment; 
        END IF;
    ELSE  -- Copy the attributes from the route table that we use for the split
        v_sql_col:= 'id, ';
        EXECUTE 'SELECT nextval('''|| tmp_roads_seq || ''')' INTO new_id;
        v_sql_val:= new_id::varchar || ', ';
        FOR col_rec IN 
            EXECUTE 'SELECT column_name from information_schema.columns
            WHERE table_name = ''' || pi_roads_tab ||
            ''' and table_schema = ''public'' AND column_name NOT IN (''id'', ''from_route_id'', ''from_route_id_src'',  ''geom'') order by ordinal_position'
            --RAISE NOTICE '%', col_rec.column_name;
            v_sql_col:= v_sql_col || col_rec.column_name || ','΄;
            --RAISE NOTICE '%', v_sql_col;
            v_sql_val:= v_sql_val || chr(10) || '(select '||col_rec.column_name || ' FROM ' || pi_route_table || ' WHERE id = ' || pi_seg_id::varchar || '),';
        END LOOP;
        --RAISE NOTICE '%', pi_roads_tab;
        --RAISE NOTICE '%', v_sql_col;
        v_sql := 'INSERT INTO ' || pi_roads_tab || ' (' || v_sql_col || ' from_route_id, from_route_id_src, geom) VALUES (' || v_sql_val || pi_seg_id::varchar || ',' || pi_seg_id_src::varchar || ',' || 'ST_Multi(ST_GeomFromText(''' || ST_AsText(pi_segment) || ''', 2100)' || '))';
        --RAISE NOTICE '%', v_sql;
        EXECUTE v_sql;
        -- Now do the update
        --RAISE NOTICE 'Do the update';
        IF v_attr_datatype = 'boolean' THEN 
            EXECUTE format ('UPDATE %I SET %I = CAST($1 AS BOOLEAN) WHERE id= $2', 
                        pi_roads_tab, pi_event_name)
                USING pi_attr_val, new_id;
        ELSIF v_attr_datatype = 'integer' THEN 
            EXECUTE format ('UPDATE %I SET %I = CAST($1 AS INTEGER) WHERE id= $2', 
                        pi_roads_tab, pi_event_name)
                USING pi_attr_val, new_id;
            EXECUTE format ('UPDATE %I SET %I = $1 WHERE id= $2', 
                        pi_roads_tab, pi_event_name)
                USING pi_attr_val, new_id;
        END IF;
    END IF;

And finally, the main split_roads() functions that does the splitting:

 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
-- The function that will run on the AFTER INSERT trigger for any event
  events            text[] = ARRAY['slope15', 'road_width', 'ortho50'];
  event_name        text;
  tmp_roads_tab     TEXT;
  event_rec         record;
  v_event_geom      geometry;
  v_attr_val        varchar;
  v_attr_datatype   varchar;
  v_route_table     varchar = 'roads';       -- Name of the initial route table
  v_output_tab      varchar = 'split_roads'; -- The name of the output table
  v_route_id        int8;
  v_route_geom      geometry;
  route_rec         record;
  v_start_offset    NUMERIC;
  v_end_offset      NUMERIC;
  v_startM          NUMERIC;
  v_endM            NUMERIC;
  cnt               int4 = 1;
  v_geom_element2   geometry;    --The individual geometries within the GEOMETRYCOLLECTION from the first split 
  v_start_pnt       geometry;    --The start point of the event geometry to be used in the split
  v_end_pnt         geometry;    --The end point of the event geometry to be used in the split
  v_start_loc       float8;
  v_end_loc         float8;
  temp_route_rec    record;
  v_route_start_pnt geometry;
  v_route_startLoc  float8;
  v_route_end_pnt   geometry;
  v_route_endLoc    float8;
    -- Start looping through the event tables
    FOREACH event_name IN ARRAY events
        tmp_roads_tab:= 'temp'|| cnt::varchar || '_split_od_proskathg';
        IF cnt = 1 THEN -- this IS the FIRST EVENT
            RAISE NOTICE '------------------------- ITERATION #% (%)---------------------------', cnt, event_name;
           PERFORM create_temp_tab(tmp_roads_tab);
             -- Now loop through the events that are located on the network
             -- (i.e. where road_id column is not null)
             FOR event_rec IN 
               EXECUTE format ('SELECT id, %s::varchar, road_id, geom FROM %I WHERE road_id is not null', event_name, event_name) 
               USING event_name
                --- Assign the value of the dynamically fetched column to v_attr_val
                EXECUTE format('SELECT %I FROM %I WHERE id = $1', event_name, event_name)
                INTO v_attr_val
                -- Since this is the first event, get the route geometry for each record using the original network table
                EXECUTE format ('SELECT id, geom FROM %I WHERE id= $1', v_route_table) 
                USING event_rec.road_id
                INTO v_route_id, v_route_geom;
                -- Get the event's geometry
                v_event_geom:= event_rec.geom;
                -- We now have the road geometry and the event geometry. Start the splitting.
                -- Since this is the first event we process, we know that the temp table is empty
                -- and that the event geometry, lies wholly within the road geometry
                -- Get the start and end points of the event geometry
                v_start_pnt:= ST_StartPoint(ST_GeometryN(v_event_geom,1));
                v_end_pnt:= ST_EndPoint(ST_GeometryN(v_event_geom,1));
                -- Get start and end point locations along the route geometry
                -- IMPORTANT NOTE: Always assume single part route geometries
                -- Check if start and end points are identical to the start and end vertices
                -- of the route geometry
                SELECT round(ST_InterpolatePoint(ST_GeometryN(v_route_geom,1), v_start_pnt)::NUMERIC,0) INTO v_startM;
                SELECT round(ST_InterpolatePoint(ST_GeometryN(v_route_geom,1), v_end_pnt)::NUMERIC,0) INTO v_endM;
                -- Get the LineSubString between the two locations
                v_geom_element2:= ST_LineSubstring(ST_Force2D(ST_GeometryN(v_route_geom,1)), v_start_loc, v_end_loc);
                v_geom_element2:= ST_AddMeasure(v_geom_element2, 0, ST_Length(v_geom_element2));
               PERFORM events.insert_split_segments(TRUE
            END LOOP;
            RAISE NOTICE '------------------------- ITERATION #% (%)---------------------------', cnt, event_name;
            PERFORM events.create_temp_tab(tmp_roads_tab);
            v_route_table:= 'temp'|| (cnt-1)::varchar || '_split_od_proskathg'; 
            FOR event_rec IN 
               EXECUTE format ('SELECT id, %I::varchar, road_id, geom FROM %I WHERE road_id=$1', event_name, event_name) 
               USING v_route_id
                --- Assign the value of the dynamically fetched column to v_attr_val
                EXECUTE format('SELECT %I FROM %I WHERE id = $1', event_name, event_name)
                INTO v_attr_val
                 -- Get the route geometries from the temp (now route) table where the event intersects with
                -- the route BUT, exclude the segments that intersect with only at the start or end of the event 
                FOR temp_route_rec IN
                    EXECUTE format ('SELECT, from_route_id, from_route_id_src, n.geom 
                                    FROM %I n JOIN %I e ON ST_Intersects(n.geom, e.geom) 
                                    WHERE ST_Intersects(ST_EndPoint(ST_GeometryN(n.geom,1)), ST_StartPoint(e.geom))=FALSE
                                    AND ST_Intersects(ST_StartPoint(ST_GeometryN(n.geom,1)), ST_EndPoint(e.geom))=FALSE
                                    AND$1', v_route_table, event_name) 
                    -- Get the start and points of the event
                    v_start_pnt:= ST_StartPoint(ST_GeometryN(event_rec.geom,1));
                    v_end_pnt:= ST_EndPoint(ST_GeometryN(event_rec.geom,1));
                    -- Check if both start and end points are along the route geometry
                    IF ST_DWithin(temp_route_rec.geom, v_start_pnt, 0.001) AND ST_DWithin(temp_route_rec.geom, v_end_pnt, 0.001) THEN
                        --They are. Now check if its at the start or the end since if it is, we need to handle it differently
                        -- Get the Start and End Measures
                        v_startM:= round(ST_InterpolatePoint(ST_GeometryN(temp_route_rec.geom,1), v_start_pnt)::NUMERIC,0);
                        v_endM:= round(ST_InterpolatePoint(ST_GeometryN(temp_route_rec.geom,1), v_end_pnt)::NUMERIC,0) ;
                        IF v_startM >= 0 AND v_endM <= round(ST_Length(temp_route_rec.geom)::NUMERIC,0)THEN
                                -- Both start and end vertices of Event lie along segment. Take the LineSubstring between the two mwasure values
                                v_geom_element2:= ST_LineSubstring(ST_GeometryN(temp_route_rec.geom,1), v_start_loc, v_end_loc);
                                v_geom_element2:= ST_AddMeasure(v_geom_element2, 0, ST_Length(v_geom_element2));
                                PERFORM events.insert_split_segments(FALSE
                        END IF;
                    ELSIF ST_DWithin(temp_route_rec.geom, v_start_pnt, 0.001)= FALSE AND ST_DWithin(temp_route_rec.geom, v_end_pnt, 0.001)= FALSE THEN
                         -- Both start and end vertices of Event are beyond the bounds of the segment. Take the route geometry
                        v_geom_element2:= temp_route_rec.geom;
                        PERFORM events.insert_split_segments(FALSE
                        -- Start vertex is along the route but end vertex is beyond bounds
                        IF ST_DWithin(temp_route_rec.geom, v_start_pnt, 0.001)=TRUE AND ST_DWithin(temp_route_rec.geom, v_end_pnt, 0.001)= FALSE THEN
                            -- Start vertex of Event is along the segment but end vertex is beyond bounds of 
 segment Take the substring from the start location till the end of the segment
                            -- Take the LineSubstring from start_location till the end
                            v_geom_element2:= ST_LineSubstring(ST_GeometryN(temp_route_rec.geom,1), v_start_loc, 1);
                            -- Convert to Measured Polyline
                            v_geom_element2:= ST_AddMeasure(v_geom_element2, 0, ST_Length(v_geom_element2));
                            PERFORM events.insert_split_segments(FALSE
                        ELSIF ST_DWithin(temp_route_rec.geom, v_start_pnt, 0.001)= FALSE AND ST_DWithin(temp_route_rec.geom, v_end_pnt, 0.001)= TRUE THEN
                             -- Start vertex of Event is beyond the bounds of the segment but end vertex is along a segment. Take the substring from the beginning till the end location
                            -- Take the LineSubstring between the start (0) and  end location
                            v_geom_element2:= ST_LineSubstring(ST_GeometryN(temp_route_rec.geom,1), 0, v_end_loc);
                            -- Convert to Measured Polyline
                            v_geom_element2:= ST_AddMeasure(v_geom_element2, 0, ST_Length(v_geom_element2));
                            PERFORM events.insert_split_segments(FALSE
                        END IF;
                    END IF;
                END LOOP;
            END LOOP;
        END IF;
        IF ARRAY_LENGTH(events,1)= cnt THEN
            --Processed all events. Create the output table
            EXECUTE format ('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.%I', v_output_tab);
            EXECUTE FORMAT ('CREATE TABLE public.%I AS SELECT * FROM public.%I',v_output_tab, tmp_roads_tab);
        END IF;
        -- Increase counter

Congratulations if you made it that far! If you did, and you ran the split_roads function you should see something like this (with some offsets applied on the layers). The blue line is our original network, the red, green, and orange lines are the slope15, road_width, and ortho50 events respectively and the pink line is the resulting split network. You will notice that each attribute now has the corresponding value of the event that it was split on.

Split network and events

That’s all for now. I hope it won’t take me another 3 years to write the next post!

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